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GSM Trainer Kit

CDMA Trainerkit comprises of detailed process of CDMA techniques of sending any information with security. One will get the knowledge of the basic mechanism used in the CDMA. The kit comprises of CDMA-DSSS (Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum) and CDMA-FHSS (Frequency Hopping Sprea d Spectrum) along with slow/fast hoping feature. One can also learn about BPSK Modulator and Demodulator and DSS S generation and reception.


GSM capability : GSM 900 /1800, EGSMGSM

In- circuit Programming and serial communication through PC.

Data services: Asynchronous,

8-bit-8 channel ADC with I/Ps from multi-turns potentiometers.

Transparent & NonTransparent modes. 14.4, K bits/s

16X2 LCD display

SIM Interface : 3 V, Testpoints,

8 I/Ps from DIP switches.

Key pad : Dedicated keys like: Alphabet, Numeric &Function for easy user interaction (By Using Programming)

8 O/Ps available on LED's

Four multiplexed 7-segment displays

RF Characteristics

4 push buttons for interrupt study

Receiver, EGSM Sensitivity : < -104dBm

Windows based driver software for programming.

DCS Sensitivity : < -102dBm

4x4 Matrix Hex Keypad

Selectivity @ 200 KHz : > +9dBc,

Stepper and D.C Motor Interface

Selectivity @ 400KHz : > +41dBc,

Buzzer Section

Dynamic range : 63 dB,

IR Transmitter/ Receiver

Inter modulation : >-43dBm,

LDR (Light Dependent Resistor).

C-channel rejection : ≥ 9dBc

LM- 35 Temperature Sensor

Nuvoton W78E052D C with ISP features


8- bit single channel DAC

RF Receiver

All interrupts available on header.


Understanding The GSM Standard

Mobile Communication Using GSM

How GSM works

How A Call Is Made

Why A GSM Drains much power while travelling

Handover System

Calling Any Number Using GSM Module

Reading An SMS on LCD

Controlling The Appliances Using SMS